Join the Future of AI Comics!

Support AI-Generated Stories

Help us revolutionize storytelling by backing our AI-powered comic platform on Kickstarter. Together, we can bring AI creativity to life by streamlining the comic creation process and making it accessible to everyone, regardless of technical skills.

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3D Horizontal Table with Auto-Increment
Total amount collected ($) 0
Number of Backers 0
Growth Potential (%) 0
Readiness Year 0
Public Launch 0
Avg.Pot Annual Profit (M$) 0
Manga Production Limits 0

AI-Powered Manga Projects

3D Book Cover Gallery

Video Link with Hover Effect


3D Boxes Layout

AI-Powered Creativity

Empowering artists with advanced AI tools to enhance their creativity.

Fast and Scalable

Streamlining the comic creation process for faster, scalable production.

Tailored Assets

Providing a library of customizable AI-generated assets for every story.

Innovative Storytelling

Combining technology with art to push the boundaries of storytelling.

Accessible to All

Making comic creation accessible to both seasoned artists and newcomers alike.


Building a collaborative community where creators and technology meet.


3D Partner Logos

For the best experience, we recommend visiting our website from a desktop computer to fully enjoy our content and features.

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